Top 5 Challenges Tenants Face While Apartment Hunting in Dubai

Searching for an apartment in Dubai can be a daunting task, filled with unexpected challenges and frustrations. The marketing team at Colife interviewed tenants to find out the most common issues they faced when looking for an apartment before they moved into Colife.

From dealing with pests and poor building management to contending with high costs and uncooperative landlords, tenants shared their stories, highlighting the difficulties they faced.

1. Old Buildings with Cockroaches, Mold, and Poor Management

According to Colife’s research, over 20% of tenants reported problems with cockroaches or mold, especially in older buildings in less desirable areas. Jane, a tenant in Princess Tower, shared: “I moved into an apartment that seemed affordable, but within weeks, I found mold in the bathroom and cockroaches in the kitchen. The building management was slow to respond, and the problem persisted.” These issues are often worsened by poor building quality and outdated infrastructure.

2. Extremely Expensive Rent Prices and Agent Fees

More than half of the tenants interviewed by Colife mentioned the difficulty in finding reasonably priced accommodation. Rent prices in Dubai can be exorbitant, especially during the winter months when demand surges. Ahmed, another tenant at Colife, noted, “I was shocked at how much rents increased during the winter. What seemed like a reasonable price in the summer skyrocketed, and on top of that, agents charged hidden fees that inflated the cost more.” The high cost of living in Dubai, coupled with additional fees from agents, makes it tough for budget-conscious tenants to secure a suitable apartment.

3. Inconvenient Locations

Over 26% of tenants highlighted that many buildings were situated in inconvenient locations, far from public transportation like the metro. Raj, a tenant living in Discovery Gardens, explained, “The rent was affordable, but I had to walk a long distance to catch the metro, making my daily commute a hassle.” Living far from public transport can significantly impact the convenience and quality of life for tenants who rely on these services for their daily commute.

4. Dirty Apartments with Old Furniture

Another common issue tenants face is moving into dirty apartments with poorly maintained furniture. James shared his story: “When I moved in, the apartment was filthy, and the furniture was old and rickety. The landlord didn’t seem to care about fixing any of these issues. I had to spend a lot of time and money cleaning and buying basic furniture just to make the place livable.” This neglect from landlords means tenants often bear the burden of cleaning and refurbishing, adding unanticipated costs and stress to their moving experience.

5. Noisy Neighbors and Bad Odors

Dealing with noisy neighbors and unpleasant odors can be a significant nuisance for tenants. Lisa recounted her experience: “My neighbors were incredibly loud at all hours, and there was always a strong smell of cooking that seeped into my apartment. It got to the point where I dreaded coming home. Once, the noise was so bad that I had to call the police, which was a stressful ordeal.” Such disturbances can severely affect the quality of life, making it difficult for tenants to feel comfortable and relaxed in their own homes.


Apartment hunting in Dubai presents numerous challenges, from dealing with pests and poor building management to facing high costs and uncooperative landlords. These insights from Colife tenants highlight the critical issues that potential renters need to be aware of and prepared for. By understanding these common pitfalls, tenants can better navigate the complex rental market in Dubai and find a home that meets their needs and expectations.

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