The CISI Intensifiese-Learning Programmesto Support Financial Services Professionals Amidst Pandemic

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), the leading global professional body for securities, investments, wealth and financial planning professionals, has launched a series of e-learning and virtual event programmesto assist members with their ongoingupskilling and professional development during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As part of the initiative,the CISI has lifted locationrestrictions on its portal to provide theglobal community of financial service professionalswith access to more than 500 virtual events programmes; this includes full access to the Institute’s extensive online modules and other content for members. Each session undertaken bya memberwill be accounted forin their annual CPD hours.

Members can also access the CISI’sexisting library of over 180 online learning modules on its Professional Refresher platform, more than500  CISI TV videos – including the most recent 150 recordings,over 1,300 articles from CISI member magazineThe Review (CISI’s digital newsletter), and a number of podcasts and YouTube videos.

The initiative forms part of the CISI’sunwaveringcommitment toequip its members withup-to-date knowledgeessential for their upskilling and professional development, whilstthey workremotely amidst the pandemic.

Apart from theCISI’smainplatform, the Institute’s ATPs also provideonline webinars and training classes for exam preparationssince physical classroom sessionsare subject to temporary suspension.Training partnersare continuing to collaborate closely with the CISI toidentify new opportunities to deliver more useful materialstoits more than 20,000 students worldwide.

Matthew Cowan, Chartered MCSI, CISI Regional Director Middle East, said: “As wetry to keep safe and healthy during these challenging times, we are proud that we have quickly adapted to the situation to ensure continuing support for our members.Our online learning platform has been long-established and it’s not new to our members, but we do believe that our intensified efforts to provide more content and training opportunities are extremely beneficial in this current climate.”

“The CISI has a range of online resources to enable members to meet their CPD requirements, and now is the ideal time to take full advantage of these tools. Thanks to the relentless work of our partners and ourlocal and international staff, we remain steadfastin our commitment to deliver the same quality professional developmenttools and materials for continued learning as well as meeting the demand forqualifications and accreditations,” Matthew added.

TheInstitute’s customer support teams, based in the UK and Sri Lanka, are also operational to address queries from members.To aid the wellbeing of each member, the CISI has also launched its own mental health portalpacked with useful tips and guidelines.

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