Meet The Celebrity Faces Of Emirates Loto: Aishwarya Ajit And Wissam Breidy

Emirates Loto – the region’s first, fatwa-approved, fully digital collectable scheme with optional free entry to a weekly draw has appointed some extra special celebrity hosts to present its  live draws.  With just a week to go for the first draw, Indian model, presenter and entrepreneur Aishwarya Ajit and regionally-renowned Lebanese presenter and TV personality Wissam Breidy will host the Emirates Loto winning number results to countless viewers across the world.

With every weekly draw destined for the spotlight, the star hosts of Emirates Loto are ready to get started and are already fully on-board with the Emirates Loto mission to change lives.

Known by many as ‘Ash’ and for her co-hosting daily live show, Studio One, on Dubai One TV, Aishwarya is no stranger to large audiences. With her appearance in Indian films, many ad campaigns in the regions, as well as the launch of her own line of hair extensions ‘Lockstress Hair’, Aishwarya is the perfect addition to the Emirates Loto line up.

 “I am thrilled to be chosen as one of the faces of Emirates Loto, as this is a brand that speaks to my heart,” said Aishwarya. “Everyone inside and outside of the UAE can get involved, and it gives back to not only to those that opt in for the draw, but also to the community. Essentially, everyone wins with Emirates Loto.”

Established TV presenter Wissam Breidy has hosted an extensive variety of talk shows and factual entertainment programs across the GCC, Egypt, and Lebanon, and he takes the other presenter spot for Emirates Loto. Wissam is known for his quick wit, his warm and engaging screen presence and his innate ability to engage with TV guests from all sectors, age groups, and all walks of life.

It might seem strange but there has never been a better time than now to launch this socially-conscious initiative,” said Wissam. “Emirates Loto can and will change lives, and people all over the globe can participate from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Social distancing may be, and rightfully so, the new norm today, but communities have never been emotionally closer as they are now. I truly do believe Emirates Loto, with its unique transformational power to change lives, can bring us all even further closer together.”

Emirates Loto is a collectables scheme with a live weekly draw and is open to all eligible people over 18 years old in the UAE and across the globe. The collectables may be purchased online and through the app, or in thousands of retail stores across the UAE for just AED 35. The first live draw is set to air on 18 April 2020 at 7:30PM (GST) across digital platforms.

For more information on our collectables, prize winners, terms and conditions, eligibility and to enter the coming Emirates Loto draw, please visit

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