How to Secure Your Website in 2022

Website security is extremely important in 2022, especially for businesses. Exposing your business to security risks can lead to lawsuits and might even result in the eventual failure of your company. In this guide, we will cover some methods of securing your website

  1. Verify Customers’ Identities

One thing you should consider when securing your website is the identity of your customers. By identifying your customers, you will be able to prove that there is a real person behind every account, and you will also be able to determine that they are who they say they are. It is essential to ensure that no one is carrying out processes on other people’s behalf as this amounts to fraud. Verification of customers’ identities is especially useful in websites that require the sending of funds, and these include casinos and crypto exchanges. For a seamless customer verification process, you should consider purchasing an automated identity verification and AML screening service. Such services will complete the KYC process in minutes and will not require the submission of lots of documents from your customers.

  1. Use SSL Encryption

Governments have been trying to promote financial literacy, but this can be entirely useless if your data is leaked to hackers. To protect your data, you will have to consider using SSL encryption. This is considered a standard security measure in websites as it protects sensitive information on your website. Whenever people transmit information to your website, it will be encrypted and will no longer be accessible to hackers. It is also worth noting that SSL encryption helps to boost business websites as such sites are ranked higher on Google.

  1. Consider Using Blockchain Technology

As you expand your business to other countries, you have to consider using blockchain technology to prevent data leaks. This technology offers higher levels of security without the hassle of traditional website security. With the rise of Web 3, you will be able to build your website on the blockchain, and since this technology is practically impossible to hack, you will no longer need to worry about the loss of customer data. To keep up with news on Web 3, you should consider joining Meta Shapers. This is a community that was launched by Cyber Gear, and it covers topics like Web 3, NFTs, blockchain, and the Metaverse.

  1. Don’t Help Hackers

You will also need to learn how to avoid phishing attacks as such cases can render all your security measures useless. Phishing is commonly done by sending you fake emails from companies that are pretending to be legitimate. By clicking links in such emails, you will provide the hackers with your essential details, and this will compromise your website security. To prevent phishing attacks, you will have to educate your entire team on how to spot phishing attempts. Whenever you receive a suspicious email, you should avoid replying and shouldn’t click any links on it. You should also avoid opening any attachments in the email. To help stop such criminals, you should also report the matter to the police and platforms such as


Website security is crucial for businesses, so you shouldn’t take it lightly. Some methods of securing your website include using SSL encryption, verifying customers’ identities, and using blockchain technology. You should also learn how to avoid phishing scams.

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