Fuelre4m Partners With Ardmore Shipping For A Revolutionary Fuel Efficiency Trial

Fuelre4m, a pioneering UAE based international company dedicated to transforming fossil fuel used in critical industries, has today announced a three-month efficiency trial with Ardmore Shipping.

The project will commence with the pilot on Ardmore Shipping’s Ardmore Seahawk, focusing on reducing fuel oil consumption and enhancing operational efficiency using Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO).

The primary aim of the trial with Ardmore Shipping is to demonstrate the potential of Fuelre4m’s Re4mx Fueloil in significantly reducing fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, while ensuring the highest standards of operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.

“We are excited to collaborate with Ardmore Shipping on this groundbreaking trial,” said Rob Mortimer, Managing Director, Fuelre4m. “Our goal is to demonstrate that significant environmental and operational improvements are achievable without major overhauls to existing systems.

“By improving the efficiency of the existing fossil fuel, Re4mx Fueloil gives owners and operators the opportunity to assess new engines and fuel technology, while exceeding IMO emissions targets set. Our long-term goal is to demonstrate that HFO can be cleaner, cheaper, and more efficient than VLSFO and Biofuel blends, and that blended fuels can be re-engineered to be more stable and efficient. This trial is another crucial step in showcasing the potential of Re4mx Fueloil to revolutionise the industry.”

Ardmore Shipping, established in 2010, is a leading operator of product and chemical tankers in global trade. Over the past decade, Ardmore has built a reputation as a first-class organisation dedicated to implementing best practices, exceptional customer service, and operational efficiency. This trial represents a significant step in Ardmore’s ambitious long-term growth plans and commitment to sustainability.

Ardmore Shipping’s Director, Innovation – Garry Noonan – said: “We are thrilled to partner with Fuelre4m on this innovative trial. At Ardmore Shipping, we are committed to leading the industry in sustainability and operational excellence. This collaboration presents a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge technology that has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact and improve fuel efficiency – not only for Ardmore’s fleet, but for the wider industry, too.

“By testing Re4mx Fueloil on the Ardmore Seahawk, we aim to showcase how advanced fuel solutions can align with global emissions targets, while maintaining high performance standards. We look forward to the results of this trial and the positive implications it could have for the future of shipping.”

Objectives and Expectations of the Trial

The trial’s main objectives include:

  • Reduction of Fuel Oil Consumption: Utilising Re4mx Fueloil to optimise the combustion process, leading to significant fuel savings and eliminating the production of harmful emissions.
  • Use of VLSFO: Demonstrating the effectiveness of Fuelre4m’s technology with Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil, a critical component in meeting global sulphur emission regulations.
  • Enhanced Measurement and Analysis: Utilising precise measuring equipment already present on the Ardmore Seahawk to accurately gauge mass fuel flow into the engine vs the power produced, thus enabling a thorough analysis of the additional energy Re4mx Fueloil release from the fuel.

Fuelre4m’s Re4mx Fueloil technology transforms fossil fuels before they are used in engines, ensuring optimised combustion that results in increased energy release, reduced consumption, and substantial savings on emissions. Key benefits include:

  • Emission Reductions: Achieving a 40-80% reduction in exhaust emissions, including reducing sulphur emissions to near-zero and the requirements for scrubbers/scrubber materials.
  • No Retrofit, Class Emissions Improvement: Enabling shipping vessel owners to change their emissions class without any need for retrofitting, additional equipment, or changes to engines and fuel types.
  • Improved Fuel Stability: Enhancing the oxidation and blend stability of fuel, particularly when using complex blends such as VLSFO and biodiesel.

Fuelre4m’s partnership with Ardmore Shipping exemplifies the company’s dedication to driving sustainable innovation in fossil fuel-dependent industries. By proving the efficiency of Re4mx Fueloil in real-world conditions, Fuelre4m aims to set a new standard for fuel consumption and emissions in maritime operations.

For more information about Fuelre4m and its innovative solutions, please visit: https://fuelre4m.com/

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