Emirates Diplomatic Academy Launches ‘EDA Next 50 Talks’ Virtual Series

The Emirates Diplomatic Academy (EDA)recently launched its new series, ‘EDA Next 50 Talks,’ in support of the UAE government’s grand plan to chart-out the largest national action strategy of its kind – to prepare the nation for the next half century.

The ‘EDA Next 50 Talks,’ which is built on a futuristic approach, brings together local and international experts, who discuss new trends for the crucial field of diplomacy. The creative-themed inspirational talks experts within various fields – from diplomacy, education, and technology – right to healthcare, economy, and even, arts and culture.

The EDA’s new series launched with the first discussion on ‘Health Diplomacy,’ and welcomed renowned health experts,Dr. Pedro L. Alonso, Director of the World Health Organisation Global Malaria Programme in Geneva, Switzerland, and Her Excellency Dr. Nariman Al Mulla, Consul General of the UAE in Melbourne. The interactive discussion, which was moderated by His Excellency Bernardino León, Director General of the EDA, was attended by EDA’s professors, researchers and staff, along with a number of the UAE’s leading future diplomats.

His Excellency Bernardino León said: “The launch of this exciting series is part of our Academy’s commitment to providing an ideal opportunity for our students to actively engage with prominent international speakers, world-renowned diplomats and experts within various fields.I am truly confident the ‘EDA Next 50 Talks’ will be a monumental success, following our‘EDATalks’ series that we launched in April 2020, which welcomed distinguished diplomats and leaders, who shed light on some of the most challenging and pressing issues, all while providing inspirational words of wisdom for our talented Emirati students, and future diplomats of this great nation.”

His Excellency pointed out that each session of the ‘EDA Next 50 Talks,’ will include specific questions and scenarios on how the UAE can improve its strategies, in order to strengthen the country’s position on the international stage.

He highlighted that the role and nature of diplomacy is ever-changing, adding: “Diplomatic practice has shifted its focus away from being solely closed door, top-level negotiations – to at times, a more public-facing form of diplomacy. Moreover, the great impact of the global pandemic, has allowed technology to rapidly transform how we, as a society, access and share information, particularly concerning current affairs. This has thus given rise to a more transparent and reactive approach to foreign police, as well as problem solving of all kinds.”

His Excellency noted: “Due to the unforeseen pandemic, it was vital to inaugurate the new series by discussing of the importance of Health Diplomacy. Our health experts shed light on this crucial topic and dived deep into the UAE’s and the international approach in combatting the virus, as well as how the UAE has been immensely assisting nations around the world. Our first session also discussed the increasing importance of Health Diplomacy, as a new topic in foreign policy.”

Dr. Pedro L. Alonso said: “Health should be at the center of our global diplomacy. In the field of health, infectious diseases are the one thing that can bring the world a halt within just a few weeks. The health, economic, social and political consequences costed by the Covid-19, brings to light a real persistent challenge in the global system.”

“There is no doubt there is a natural tendency to show the unprecedented scientific effort during this pandemic. Within the last 11 months, we have reached close to 200 vaccine candidates. This is extraordinary and showcases the scientific translation and industrial capacity of countries,” he added.

Dr. Alonso pointed out that it is vital for countries to merge to a common goal in combating the virus, which he said requires global cooperative Health Diplomacy. He noted that science and solidarity must thus be the key driving force in international relations and diplomacy.

On her part, Her Excellency Dr. Nariman Al Mulla, Consul General of the UAE in Melbourne, said: “It is a great honour for me to participate in the  ‘Health Diplomacy session of the ‘EDA Next 50 Talks’ series, to highlight the health diplomacy of the UAE and the efforts made by the country, locally and globally, to address the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as highlighting the UAE’s role as one of the first countries in the world to start a mass vaccination campaign for nationals and residents alike.

Her Excellency also highlighted the pioneering role of the UAE’s missions in Australia, whether in the Embassy in Canberra, or the Consulate General in Melbourne, during the early stages of the pandemic, to evacuate students and nationals and to ensure stability, security, and the continuity of life, amidst the spread of the global pandemic.

She added that the coming years will witness new patterns of worldwide alliances and partnerships that will focus on the global health security, which will further enhance the role of health diplomacy. She stressed that the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that nations need to invest in the health system and build human capacity in health diplomacy and global health security, adding that the UAE will be among the leading countries in this field, by activating the role of health diplomacy in its foreign policy.

The ‘EDA Next 50 Talks’ provides a unique platform for the EDA’s students to actively engage with prominent figures from the UAE and from around the world, while also deepening their understandings about pressing issues and global challenges. The series is part of the Academy’s mission to equip the UAE’s current and future diplomats with the knowledge and multi-disciplinary skills to effectively serve their nation.

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