Be Good To Your Heart This Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s day around the corner, shops, malls, hotels and restaurants in Dubai are flaunting their heart themed offers, tempting residents with giftguides and special meal-out options. While an extravagant romantic dinner out and indulging in exquisite treats and celebratory beverages is for many, the iconic way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, experts are calling on people to celebrate the heart differently.

Despite increased awareness in recent years, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death for both men and women. Having a healthy heart is a long-term commitment, regardless of age, gender, or nationality. Making healthy lifestyle choices a habit is key to a longer, healthier and happier life.

“There are multiple ways one can maintain a healthy heart, but most importantly four main factors play a vital role in heart health”, explains Dr. Syed Sakib, Specialist Interventional Cardiologist at Fakeeh University Hospital.

Those include:
• Eliminating bad habits, such as smoking
• Exercising and staying active
• Managing stress levels
• Maintaining a healthy diet

How do these factors affect the heart specifically?

Smoking is proven to be one of the main causes of heart disease. Tobacco causes changes to the body by producing toxic substances and chemicals that negatively affect the blood vessels connected to the heart. This includes short- and long-term effects to the heart.

• Short-term: For example, an immediate effect of smoking is the decrease of nitric oxide, a chemical compound in the human body which relaxes blood vessels.When smoking, the production of nitric oxide decreases, causing complexity in the vessels’ blood flow.

• Long-term: In the long-term, these toxins start causing changes within the blood vessels and activate un-healthy cells. These cells are prone to collate cholesterol from the blood within the blood vessel walls causing a build-up, further reducing blood supply to the heart. This results in the heart beating faster and blood pressure increasing. Clots can also form, creating a blockage which reduces the blood flow to important organs and other parts of the body, triggering a stroke.

Exercising is extremely beneficial to the body. During exercise, when the heart rate is higher, blood flow increases, and helps provide more oxygen and nutrients to the heart making the heart active.

Exercise also contributes to the mental well-being of an individual. The body releases a chemical called endorphins, which is our body’s feel-good chemical. This chemical brings stress level down.

Try as best as you can to not stress over issues that are small. Whether it is work-related stress, financial, or health-related, managing it via deep breathing, relaxing your muscles, and making time for breaks has a positive impact on the heart.

Stress is a mental state – in particular, a negative mental state. It reduces our happiness and peace of mind, which causes anxiety and increases blood pressure by increasing the heart rate.

Studies show that pets help decrease the chances of having a heart attack or stroke by 33% . Consider fostering or adopting a pet, or even finding a hobby that helps you relax.

Maintaining a healthy diet
Having a healthy and balanced diet is key for heart health.

A healthy diet should consist of healthy fats derived from plants including avocado, nuts & seeds and beans on a weekly basis.

Fats derived from animal products, such as meat cuts or cheese, contain fat and should be monitored when consumed.

Fruits and vegetables that are high in sugar (fructose) like grapes and mangoes should also be consumed in moderation. Adding citrus fruits is a great way to boost your health as they contain a lot of vitamins.Berries include significant amounts of antioxidants, which are extremely important in one’s diet. Similarly,vegetables with higher levels of fiber are considered healthier.

An individual should consume five portions of fruits and vegetables a day. A portion = a handful.
For example, this can include the following:
• Morning: half a cup of orange juice
• Snack: berries with yogurt
• Lunch: green salad
• Night: broccoli and spinach
• Bedtime: green apple

Dr. Sakib highlights, “Balance is key. All food categories within moderation have distinct benefits to the heart. Waking up every morning with a clear mindset, and a good rest also helps to balance stress levels.A good diet will also make one feel more energetic and brain-focused.”

Making simple, positive lifestyle changes is the secret to a longer life, literally. Incorporating these healthy habits can her pave the way to a healthier lifestyle. What better gift to give your loved ones than the gift of a happy and healthy long life together?

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