2024 Guide To Communication Plan: 10 Steps To Achieve Your Objectives Effectively

Do you have business goals to achieve in the UAE Market? Do you want to communicate better with your UAE target audience? Sometimes, it can seem difficult to know where to start. This is precisely the main role of a comprehensive communication plan under the guidance of a Digital Company in Dubai or a Digital Company in Abu Dhabi.

A well-organized and creative communication plan will assist you to understand your situation in the UAE competitive market and know step by step the strategies that will allow you to surpass any competitor in your industry. This will give you an overall view of the communication tools to use. In addition, you will be able to more easily calculate the ROI (return on investment) of your efforts.

O2 will raise the curtain on the 10 steps of the communication plan, which will allow you to understand its importance and clearly define your expectations.

 Who Is A Communication Plan For?

Companies often tend to leave aside the design of a communication plan. This is a big mistake!

What would you say if a construction contractor was about to build your house and did not present you with any plans? You would probably be surprised, and you probably would not entrust him with your house project without knowing how he is going to go about it… A communication plan is in the same vein. It allows all companies to have project details, ensuring efficient execution with a profitable ROI.

A communication plan allows you to create a coherent message for all your communications, target your audience, guide your decisions, choose the communication tools to use, and measure your results more effectively.

For example, you are the president of an eco-responsible organization. Your main objective for the next year is to improve your reputation. How will you proceed? The communication plan answers exactly this question and many others. You will be able to plan the stages of your project, analyze the situation, make decisions, organize actions, and measure the impact.

Be careful when choosing the best digital company in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, ensuring it will help you succeed in this comprehensive plan implementation. Check this in the early consulting stages in the initial meetings to understand whether they are organized or random in implementation.

10 Steps to Create a Winning Communication Plan

  1. Define The ObjectiveWith a Top Digital Company in Dubai or Abu Dhabi

What problem are you facing? What challenges do you want to overcome? Every starting point for a marketing project begins with the perception you have of a problem to solve or a challenge that your company must overcome. The goal is to find what you want to achieve, such as increase your sales, improve your reputation, increase awareness of a service, etc.

  1. Carry out The Situation Analysis

Situation analysis is your objective identification. You have found it; now you have to verify with facts whether it is feasible and whether it corresponds to the reality of your company.

In other words, conducting a press review, research, surveys, and studies serves to draw up a thoughtful image of your company and the context in which it operates. To do this, you have to cooperate with a creative digital company in Abu Dhabi or Dubai to evaluate possible opportunities, establish your strengths and weaknesses, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, know their positioning on the UAE market, determine the behaviors of your target audiences and define your communication strategies.

  1. Determine SMART Objectives

A good campaign achieves the initial objectives!

It is therefore essential to define specific marketing or communication objectives that your company wants to achieve. Whether you’re partnering with a Digital Company in Dubai or a Digital Company in Abu Dhabi, for example, you can aim for the marketing objective of increasing or maintaining your market share, or the communication objectives of making a new service known or strengthening your brand image. To do this, your objective must be SMART, which means: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. The SMART objective has the advantage of being complete. Therefore, the entire communication plan is implemented to meet this objective. Whether it is to make your company known, raise awareness among your audience, or inform about a product or service, your objective generally aims to change the behavior or attitude of your target audience.

Examples of SMART Goals:

  • Promote company X to 50 eco-responsible companies by next year.
  • Increase sales by 10% of our marketing consulting service to new business leaders in 6 months.
  1. Identify & Describe The Target Audience

The target audience represents the group of people you are aiming at with your objectives. In a communication plan, the target audience is not necessarily your customers (who already buy your products and services) or the general public. It depends on the objectives.

Once the target audience is determined, you have to specify its profile. The more you know your potential targets, the more you will be able to reach them and the more your actions will have a strong impression.

  1. Identify The Communication Pillar

This step is the beginning of the project’s realization. The communication pillar is the centerpiece of your communications. What do you want to say to your target audience? But, above all, what do you want them to remember? The communication Pillar guides all your messages.

You determine the central theme that guides your strategy and messaging. The pillar then directly addresses the problem raised. This response represents a single idea in a single sentence.  It sets your campaign’s tone of voice, and all your messaging should concentrate on this idea.

To build the pillar, you must do it from the same elements that allowed you to build your objective, that is, the object (for example, the product or service), the target, and the approach (what will attract attention).

  1. Develop a Communication Strategy

Strategy encompasses all the means you will take to meet your objectives. It allows you to determine the ” how “. How will you show your campaign to your target audience? How will you influence the attitude and behavior of your target audience?

To raise awareness of a new product or service among a target group, the company must use several tactics such as making a communication noise (omnipresence of the message among the target group), repeating the message often, or capturing the target group’s attention with a unique and original creation.

These are just a few examples of actions among many others. It all depends on the objective, the target audience, and the means of the company. Influential actions allow you to deliver a powerful message to the right people.

  1. Establish Communication Tools

An event, a press release, a social media campaign, a billboard, and many other strategies are all ways that allow you to reach your target audience, convey your message, and achieve your long-term objectives.

Partnering with a Digital Company in Dubai or a Digital Company in Abu Dhabi will facilitate the choice of these means that depends on several factors, such as the desired objectives, what you have learned from the analysis of the competition, and your financial resources.

The key is to find the techniques that will be best suited to successfully complete your campaign.

  1. Write a Captivating Message

Each communication tool, that you have previously established, corresponds to a distinct message, which is organized around the chosen communication pillar. In short, the message is constructed differently, depending on the tools applied.

The design of a message is of high importance. It must inform, convince, raise awareness, promote, and attract your target audience. Its goal? To change a behavior or attitude in your target.

To guarantee that your message works well, you must meet certain criteria like:

  • To be presented to the chosen target audience
  • To attract their attention
  • To be understood
  • To be accepted
  • To be retained
  • To call them to action
  1. Establish the budget, then set a schedule and timetable

The budget must be set from the beginning of the objective. This will make it easier for you when the time comes to work with several suppliers. Each communication means requires human, financial, and material resources. To determine them, each can rely, among other things, on the resources already available in the company, the percentage of sales, what competitors are doing, and the objectives.

You may not know exactly how much your campaign will cost. As you prepare your report, you can, for example, think about your budget based on two assumptions: a fixed budget and a 25% higher budget.

Moreover, a precise and complete calendar will allow you to follow your communication plan production over time, from the objective to the results, including the tools you choose to implement. It lists all the planned activities and suggests deadlines.

As for the schedule, it determines at what precise moment the activities will take place.

  1. Evaluate The Results

This is the key moment of your project! A thorough evaluation of your results allows you to know if your efforts have borne fruit or if, on the contrary, certain points need to be improved.

To properly assess the positive and negative impacts of your communication plan. it is important to return to the objectives set at the outset. Do these correspond to the results obtained from your efforts? Were the messages well received? Evaluating the results during execution allows you to modify, if necessary, your production efforts to achieve what you are aiming for.

Every chosen activity must be evaluated because without evaluation you will not be able to know if the campaign has achieved its objectives.

It’s Time To Collaborate with Local Digital Company in Dubai

A communication plan means having a specific project in mind, detailed in various points, allowing you to complete it with Great “Success”.

The O2 team with expertise in this area will be best placed to provide you with the tools necessary to execute your communication plan. we are ready to guide you in its success whether you seek a digital company in Dubai or a Digital company in Abu Dhabi.

Our expertise and our thirst for challenges will offer you the best for a successful campaign throughout the UAE.

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