7 Simple, Powerful Ways To Raise Your Energy Levels

Have you ever felt so drained that you can’t summon the energy for anything? How often does this happen? If you feel like being low energy is who you are now, then it might be time to rethink your habits and take some action.

When it comes to your vitality, you should definitely work to recharge your energy reserves. How you do that starts with changing certain lifestyle choices and cultivating new, healthier habits.

From the items you put on your weekly grocery delivery list to how often you move your body, every tiny adjustment to your daily routine can significantly enhance your overall energy levels. Here are seven ways you can get started:

1. Get Sufficient Amounts of Magnesium Regularly

Meeting all your body’s nutritional requirements is essential, but why pay special attention to magnesium?

Magnesium deficiency can cause you to feel fatigued. The mineral is necessary in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, one of which is the breakdown of glucose into energy.

When you’re low on magnesium, you tend to have a higher heart rate and require more oxygen to perform tasks. This translates to your body exerting more effort to do things, causing you to tire quickly.

Make sure you take about 300 milligrams of magnesium daily if you’re female and 350 milligrams if you’re male. You can find magnesium in foods like:

  • Pumpkin and chia seeds
  • Almonds and cashews
  • Spinach
  • Black beans
  • Brown rice
  • Salmon
  • Milk (soy and cow milk) and yoghurt
  • Avocados and bananas
  • Peanut butter

2. Exercise Often

Working out primes your body for all kinds of undertakings. By increasing your physical activity, you actually boost your energy.

It doesn’t even have to be a rigorous workout. Research has found that a simple 10-minute brisk walk elevates energy levels for up to two hours. If you do it daily for three weeks, you’ll certainly notice an uptick in your mood and feel like you can do more in a day.

Another study found that sedentary people with inexplicable persistent fatigue felt 65 per cent less tired after engaging in low-intensity exercise.

3. Sleep Well

Pushing yourself too hard can deplete your energy, so make sure you can recharge by getting enough sleep. The goal should be around seven hours nightly. Your body will tell you if you need more or less. Make sure that you listen and heed its cues.

A few ways you can achieve quality sleep are:

  • Setting a regular sleep schedule.
  • Avoiding alcohol, caffeine and big meals before bed.
  • Creating a comfortable sleeping environment.
  • Limiting screen time before bed.
  • Trying relaxation techniques like focused breathing or meditation to calm your mind and body before sleep.

Nighttime sleep is essential, but for those days when you’re constantly on the go, find some time for a power nap. Its reviving properties can be amazing. You may feel better equipped to push forward with your tasks after a restful break.

4. Don’t Skip Meals

Busy people tend to skip breakfast or work through lunch or dinner. While this may seem like a smart way to save time, it’s not great for your energy stores. Skipping meals causes a drop in your blood sugar, which causes fatigue and irritability. It also slows your metabolism, making you feel sluggish and clouding your mental clarity.

So, eat balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day. This will give your body a steady energy source, keeping you alert and productive.

 5. Nip Stress in the Bud

Stress is a huge energy drainer. Unfortunately, it’s a facet of modern life that’s often tough to escape. However, you can try some techniques that can calm you down and help you manage the situation.

When you find yourself overcome with stress, try some of these methods to help you relax and recharge:

  • Go for a walk outside and take in some fresh air.
  • Check-in with yourself to identify your triggers and try some deep breathing exercises.
  • Step away from the situation and do something you enjoy, like reading a book, listening to music, drawing, colouring or playing with your pet.
  • Find a quiet space and meditate for a few minutes.
  • Talk to someone you trust about how you feel, whether it’s a friend, a family member or a therapist.

6. Stay Hydrated

Sometimes, when you feel exhausted, you’re just thirsty and don’t know it. Thirst doesn’t always register as a feeling, so you need to make a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day to compensate for the fluids you lose through sweating, breathing and other bodily functions.

A good rule of thumb is to aim for eight glasses of water per day, although this can be more or less depending on your body size, activity level and the weather where you live. A reusable water bottle is useful for when you are out, and make it a habit to take sips from it whenever possible.

7. Avoid Harmful Vices

Smoking and excessive drinking are generally bad for your health. As for their effect on your energy levels, smoking reduces the efficiency of your lungs, lowering the amount of oxygen going around your body and making you feel tired.

Alcohol, on the other hand, is a known sedative, so it makes you feel drowsy. This is why it is not advised to drink alcoholic beverages during the daytime. As much as it makes you sleepy, it can also interfere with your sleep. Being a diuretic, it will also give you the urge to urinate frequently, disturbing your slumber.

A More Energetic You

People with more energy feel better about themselves and in general. There’s no reason why you can’t be one of them. Just apply the above tips, and you’ll be on your way to a higher energy reserve.

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