“The UAE Changed My Life” – Emirates Loto Winner Follows Through On Charitable Promise

29-year-old UAE resident and Indian customer service assistant, Savio Peter Fernandes, claimed AED 111,111 (his share of a second prize of AED 1 million) from an Emirates Loto draw on 11 July 2020, and has been busy making good on his promise to use his winnings to help others.

Several individuals have benefited from Savio’s generosity while he retains a relatively modest lifestyle. He has already given money to family members who lost their jobs, and donated part of his winnings to his school teachers back home who were struggling financially because of the pandemic.

“I feel extremely privileged to have won a share in the Emirates Lotodraw – which gave me a chance to help those who need it. My family and my own teachers were instrumental in making me the person I am today and I am humbled by the opportunity to help others as much as I can.”

A UAE resident for almost eight years, Savio says that his philanthropy has been a rewarding experience. Choosing to stay in his role as a customer service representative, Saviowent on to say that “the UAE changed my life” and revealed plans to get married and settle down in the country.  Savio says that the UAE has made him “feel welcomed and inspired” and opened new doors for him both professionally and personally.

Emirates Loto is set to re-launch soon and continues to work behind the scenes ahead of its first draw. Emirates Loto will also continue to support communities across the UAE and beyond through philanthropic and CSR initiatives that are aligned with its corporate mission and values.

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