7 Smart Storage Ideas To Maximize The Living Space In Your New Apartment

Storage is a crucial consideration when looking into apartments for sale in Downtown Dubai. Besides saving money on a smaller property, using space wisely also ensures that your new home is not only clutter-free but also arranged in a way that promotes rest.

Of course, whether or not you live in a tiny home is beside the point. Having an organized home is the healthier choice because it supports better focus, improves self-esteem, and lowers the risk of asthma and allergies for its inhabitants.

Getting ready to move in? Here are seven smart storage ideas you can try to maximize your living space:

1.    Choose multifunctional or foldable furniture

Furniture pieces that can work in various ways can save you plenty of space.

A home office, for instance, is hard to create if you have limited square footage. But with strategically placed bookshelves and a foldable desk, you can have a practical and beautiful space.

A piece of furniture that you can fold and store while not in use is also ideal. Besides foldable tables and chairs, you can also opt for a bed frame that can be easily stowed away.

Also, consider furniture pieces that have more than one function. Since they are multifunctional, you can save space and also get more value from your money.

2.    Clear the floor

Clutter seems endless, especially in small spaces. As much as possible, don’t allow any mess to accumulate. If you don’t have the time, you can always book a housekeeping service once a week to ensure your apartment is clutter-free.

It also helps if you make a habit of putting your bag or shoes in their designated places every time you get home. Avoid leaving them on the floor. If you have a housemate, make sure they also abide by this rule.

3.    Take advantage of vertical spaces

If you lack floor space, you can take advantage of any available vertical space in the house. This will allow you to put your precious square feet to good use.

Start by attaching hooks on the wall for hanging your bags, belts, and other items. You’ll be surprised by the amount of space you can save and how well your living space will look if you utilize these vertical spaces.

Besides hooks, you can also use shelves as additional vertical storage. Don’t go for uniform shelving units which can overpower a small room and make it feel even smaller. Instead, find pieces that get narrower at the top to lighten a room’s look and feel.

4.    Open up storage

People tend to equate storage with something that has closed doors and drawers. But that’s not always the case.

You can use open spots because cabinet doors can take up a couple of square feet. Opt for narrow shelves so that you can gain extra surfaces to store.

Consider grouping items of the same size, like rolls of kitchen papers or hand towels, in a decorative storage piece that accents hues or metals in your room.

5.    Get back to the basics

This is a good time for you to pare things down and get back to the essentials. By keeping fewer items inside your home, you have fewer things to manage. Each time you shop, ask yourself if it’s something necessary to have or else it will only end up as clutter in your house.

Have only what’s needed and only replace worn-out or damaged items. For better organization and easy access, make sure to subdivide open spaces to accommodate your items.

6.    Allow natural light

Use your windows to allow natural light inside your home. Natural lighting is an advantage in a small space as it helps brighten dark corners and make tiny rooms feel bigger.

But if not done right, windows can also take up potential storage spaces. To get the best out of both, consider this strategy for your kitchen: put a hanging rack near the ceiling for pans and pots and a mid-height shelf for a few bowls.

7.    Add racks inside cupboards

Living in the city might mean you have to eat on a tight budget. But this doesn’t have to confine you to a strict diet of ramen noodles. With the right cooking skills and a set of spices, you can create something tasty yet thrifty.

However, some of these spices and ingredients may not do well in your storage. To ensure you have enough room for your cooking essentials, try adding some racks in your kitchen storage cabinets to maximize the available space.

Think about the entire space, not square feet alone.

You have to think big if you’re trying to maximize the space you have in your new apartment. With today’s home innovations, there are plenty of pieces that can work wonders in your small area to keep clutter at bay. Take a fresh look at what you have and do some research to gain insight into ways you can add more storage out of the available space.

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